Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Ep 87- 90 Levi's Eyes by Aphrodite Jones


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LISTEN to the SERIES here!


Levi, Kati, Karl, and Erin (Dateline)

Christina's father, Art Alexander (Dateline)

Fire Scene (Dateline)

Fire scene- the bathroom (Dateline)

Fire Scene- boarded up bathroom window (Dateline)


Christina Alexander Karlsen (Dateline)

Levi Karlsen

C&K Farm- Pitchin' In- the ducks!

Karl and Cindy- Pitchin' In- Ducks episode

Karl on the farm- Finger Lake Times.
Pitchin' In: Serving duck- Finger Lakes Times


A Father's Fraud, American Greed,, 2023.

Amanda Folts, Romulus Farm Just Ducky, Finger Lake Times, Aug. 22, 2011.

Aphrodite Jones, Levi's Eyes: A son's dadly secret and a father's cruel betrayal, Independently Published, Sept 24, 2023.

Arc Mapping, Hawkins: Leader in forensic investigations, 2024.

Carolyn Warnock, Karl Karlsen's Motive: Why Did he Kill His First Wife Christina & His Son Levi?,, July 9, 2021.

David Lester, The Insatiable Passion, Charles Press, Philadelphia, 1995.

Death Resulting from Residential Fires & the prevalence of smoke alarms- United States 1991-1995, Center for Disease Control, 1994.

Ducks, Season 3, Ep 10, Pitchin' In, 2013. (Watch! OMG! WOW!)

Ex-wife says living with Karl Karlsen was 'terrifying', 20/20,, June 4, 2020.

Father Knows Death, Season 4, Ep 2- Accident, Murder or Suicide,,, 2024.

Fire in the United States-1989-1998, United States Fire Administration, FEMA, 2001.

Giuseppe Ricapito, Karlsen had angry outburst when asked by insurance rep if he caused fire, The Union, Jan 18,

Giuseppe Ricapito, BOUSSON: Karlsen called sister a 'crispy critter', The Union Democrat, Jan 27, 2020.

Giuseppe Ricapito, Christina Karlsen died of smoke inhalation, The Union, Jan 16, 2020.

Giuseppe Ricapito, Karlsen Guilty, The Union, Feb 3, 2020.

Glenn Coin, Cindy Karlsen lives a double life waiting for police to arrest her husband, Karl Karlsen, for murder,, Nov 15, 2023.

House on the Hill, Dateline, March 3, 2020.

Kendra Cherry, Denial as a Defense Mechanism,, Nov 14, 2023.

Dana Nichols, Family feel Calaveras neglecting possible homicide,, June 5, 2013. 

Meagan Flynn, Ex-Lode man who killed son for insurance money convicted of doing same to wife, The Washington Post, Feb 3, 2020.

Mercer Cavern, Wikipedia, 2024. 

Michael D, Kelleher, Murder Most Rare, Westport, Conn, 1998.

Mike Hubbard, Karlsen brother speaks out- family had suspicions, Finger Lake Times, Nov 18, 2013.

Murphys, Wikipedia, 2024.

Pitchin' In, Freevee,, 2024.

Robert Morton, Jennifer M Tillman, Stephanie J Gaines,  FBI Serial Murder-Pathways for Investigation, Behavioral Analysis Unit 4, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, 2023.

Royalty-free sound effects,, March 2024.

Richy Maria Jacob, Where is Colette Bousson Now?, The Cinemaholic, June 5, 2020.

Robert A. Corry, Examples of Fire Patterns- Ignitable Liquid Pour Patterns,, 2024.

Scott Bonn, Some Serial Killers Commit Murder for Profit, Psychology Today, April 20,2015.

Sins of the Father, Pt 1, 20/20, ABCNews, 2021.

Sins of the Father, Pt 2, 20/20, ABCNews, 2021.

Sins of the Father, Pt 3, 20/20, ABCNews, 2021.

Sins of the Father, Pt 4, 20/20, ABCNews, 2021.

Sins of the Father, Pt 5, 20/20, ABCNews, 201.

The House on the Hill, Dateline,, 2020.

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