Thursday, May 25, 2023

Sources and show notes! Epi 63-65 Death Sentence: The True Story of Velma Barfield's Life, Crimes, and Execution by Jerry Bledsoe


Listen to Jonathan Byrd and the PickUp Cowboys singing their song, "Velma"  Jonathan Byrd is the grandson of Jenning Barfield, killed by Velma Barfield.


From the Archives: Serial Killer Velma Barfield Case, Fayetteville Observer, July 6, 2021.

Furman vs Georgia,, April 2, 2023.

David Beasley, Georgia Inmate in historic death penalty case gains perspective,, April8 27, 2016.

Jerry Bledsoe, Death Sentence: The True Story of Velma Barfield's Life, Crimes, and Execution, Dutton Adult, New York, 1998.

Jonathan Byrd and the Pickup Cowboys, VelmaApril 2023.(song)

Joni E Johnson, A psychological profile of a poisoner, Psychology Today, July 9, 2012.

'Just as deadly': Inside the Mind of the Female Serial Killer, Neuroscience, February 9, 2023.

Marissa A Harrison, 'Just as Deadly': The Psychology of Female Serial Killers, Cambridge University Press, Feb. 9, 2023.

Marilyn Mather, Velma Barfield's Living Victims, Charlotte Observer, Sept 23, 1884

Mark Oliver, The Shocking Crimes of Velma Barfield, the "Death Row Granny", All That's, Dec 29, 2021

William Joseph Micke, Jr, Ancient, March 23, 2023.

Velma Barfield, Woman on Death Row, Thomas Nelson, Inc, Jan 1, 1985.


  1. You always do so much research!

  2. Yes I do. I think it's important to be accurate and as up to date as possible. I usually read 3 or 4 books beyond the one I feature! Thanks for noticing!
