Thursday, February 6, 2020

Epi 3, 4, + 2nd Cast Trial of Lizzie Borden. Photos, floor plans of 92 Second Ave, Fall River, MA- The Borden House

EPISODES 3, 4 and 2nd Cast - THE TRIAL OF LIZZIE BORDEN by Cara Robertson

Jill's photos from her trip to the Lizzie Borden House, Fall River, MA- Summer 2019

Floor Plan of the 2nd Floor- To enter Emma's bedroom, you had to go through Lizzie's room. The door from Lizzie's room into her father and Abby's room was locked, with her bed in front of the door.  
Abby was found murdered in the Guest Room.

Jill about to bust with glee at being at the Borden house.

92 2nd Avenue, Fall River, MA- Home of the Borden Family on August 4, 1892

Side View of the Borden home

The Borden barn where Lizzie looked for steel for sinkers.  It was located further back from the house in 1892 than it is today.
Layout of the cellar looking toward Second Avenue, stairs exit the back of the house

The floor plan of the first floor- The front stairs led to Lizzie and Emma's rooms and the Guest Room, where Uncle John Morse was staying.  

The exterior exit looking down into the cellar

The side exit from the kitchen. Lizzie called to Mrs. Churchill from here-- "Oh do come over. Someone has killed father."

The front door with 3 locks.  To the right is the Parlour where Andrew Borden was found dead on the sofa.

The small foyer by the front staircase

The Parlour. Note photos of Lizzie

The Parlour, much as the Borden's decorated it.

The Parlour

The Parlour

The sofa, where Andrew Border was murdered.
Crime Scene Photo- Andrew Borden

Pinch her. She's really here.

The Sitting Room

Sitting Room

The Dining Room where they ate in shifts, Lizzie ironed, and 
the bodies were laid out.

Dining Room

The kitchen...

with the knife....

...and Mrs. White--
 The pantry area leading to the back stairs, upward and downward.

Back staircase

3rd floor, looking down the back staircase from Bridget's room.

A much nicer Bridget's room

Bridget's room today

2nd Floor: Andrew and Abby's room, accessed through the back staircase ONLY.
The door between their room and Lizzie's is locked with furniture in front of the door.

Andrew and Abby's bedroom

Desk in Andrew and Abby's bedroom sitting area

Chamber pot, area to wash up

FRONT of HOUSE- Landing 2nd floor from the FRONT staircase.

Jill couldn't see anything from multiple steps!

Lizzie Borden's bedroom.

Sitting area in Lizzie Borden's bedroom.

Lizzie Borden's bedroom- built-in cabinet.

Lizzie Borden's bedroom

Lizzie Borden's chamber pot area, wash up area.

Emma Borden's bedroom, only accessed through Lizzie's room,
a very small room.  This was Lizzie's room prior to her
trip to Europe. Afterward, Emma switched with Lizzie.

The Guest Room, where John Morse slept, where Abby was found murdered.

Location where Abby Borden was found dead.

Guest room at the Borden house
Crime scene photo- Abby Borden

Location where Abby was killed.

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